- GaugeDouble - Interface in org.avaje.metric
- GaugeDoubleGroup - Interface in org.avaje.metric
- GaugeDoubleMetric - Interface in org.avaje.metric
Metric based on a gauge returning double values.
- GaugeLong - Interface in org.avaje.metric
A Gauge returning a long value providing the 'source' for a
- GaugeLongGroup - Interface in org.avaje.metric
- GaugeLongMetric - Interface in org.avaje.metric
Metric based on an underlying gauge that reports long values.
- get(String) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.MetricNameCache
Return the MetricName from the cache creating it if required.
- getBucketRanges() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.BucketTimedMetric
Return ranges times in milliseconds.
- getBuckets() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.BucketTimedMetric
Return the underlying TimedMetrics with one per bucket.
- getBucketTimedMetric(MetricName, int...) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.spi.PluginMetricManager
Return the BucketTimedMetric using the given base metric name and bucketRanges.
- getCollectedErrorStatistics() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.TimedMetric
Return the error statistics.
- getCollectedStatistics() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.CounterMetric
Return the collected statistics.
- getCollectedStatistics() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.ValueMetric
Return the statistics collected.
- getCollectedSuccessStatistics() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.TimedMetric
Return the success statistics.
- getCount() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.CounterStatistics
Return the count of values collected.
- getCount() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.ValueStatistics
Return the count of values collected (since the last reset/collection).
- getCounterMetric(MetricName) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a CounterMetric given the name.
- getCounterMetric(String) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a CounterMetric given the name.
- getCounterMetric(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a CounterMetric using the Class and name to derive the MetricName.
- getCounterMetric(MetricName) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.spi.PluginMetricManager
Return the CounterMetric using the metric name.
- getErrorStatistics(boolean) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.TimedMetric
Return the error success statistics choosing is the underlying statistics should be reset.
- getGaugeMetrics() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.GaugeDoubleGroup
Return the metrics in this group.
- getGaugeMetrics() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.GaugeLongGroup
Return the metrics in this group.
- getGroup() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.MetricName
Returns the group to which the metric belongs.
- getJvmMetrics() - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return the core JVM metrics.
- getJvmMetrics() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.spi.PluginMetricManager
Return a collection of the JVM metrics.
- getMax() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.ValueStatistics
Return the Max value collected (since the last reset/collection).
- getMean() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.ValueStatistics
Return the mean value rounded up for the values collected since the last reset/collection.
- getMetricNameCache(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a MetricNameCache for the given class.
- getMetricNameCache(MetricName) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a MetricNameCache for a given base metric name.
- getMetricNameCache(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.spi.PluginMetricManager
Return the MetricNameCache using the class as a base name.
- getMetricNameCache(MetricName) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.spi.PluginMetricManager
Return the MetricNameCache using a MetricName as a base name.
- getMetrics() - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return all the non-jvm registered metrics.
- getMetrics() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.spi.PluginMetricManager
Return a collection of all the metrics.
- getName() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.Metric
Return the name of the metric.
- getName() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.MetricName
Returns the name of the metric.
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.MetricName
Return a simple java like name.
- getStartTime() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.CounterStatistics
Return the time the counter started statistics collection.
- getStartTime() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.ValueStatistics
Return the time these statistics were collected from.
- getStatistics(boolean) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.CounterMetric
Return the current statistics.
- getSuccessStatistics(boolean) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.TimedMetric
Return the current success statistics choosing is the underlying statistics should be reset.
- getTimedMetric(MetricName, int...) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a BucketTimedMetric given the name and bucket ranges.
- getTimedMetric(Class<?>, String, int...) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a BucketTimedMetric given the name and bucket ranges.
- getTimedMetric(String, int...) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a BucketTimedMetric given the name and bucket ranges.
- getTimedMetric(MetricName) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a TimedMetric given the name.
- getTimedMetric(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a TimedMetric using the Class, name to derive the MetricName.
- getTimedMetric(String) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a TimedMetric given the name.
- getTimedMetric(MetricName) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.spi.PluginMetricManager
Return the TimedMetric using the metric name.
- getTimedMetric(String) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.TimedMetricGroup
Return the TimedMetric for the specific name.
- getTimedMetricGroup(MetricName) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return the TimedMetricGroup with a based metric name.
- getTimedMetricGroup(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return the TimedMetricGroup with a class providing the base metric name.
- getTimedMetricGroup(String, String) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a TimedMetricGroup with a common group and type name.
- getTimedMetricGroup(MetricName) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.spi.PluginMetricManager
Return the TimedMetricGroup using the given base metric name.
- getTotal() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.ValueStatistics
Return the total of all the values (since the last reset/collection).
- getType() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.MetricName
Returns the type to which the Metric belongs.
- getValue() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.GaugeDouble
Return the current value.
- getValue() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.GaugeDoubleMetric
Return the value.
- getValue() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.GaugeLong
Return the current value.
- getValue() - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.GaugeLongMetric
Return the value.
- getValueMetric(MetricName) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a ValueMetric given the name.
- getValueMetric(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a ValueMetric using the Class and name to derive the MetricName.
- getValueMetric(String) - Static method in class org.avaje.metric.MetricManager
Return a ValueMetric given the name.
- getValueMetric(MetricName) - Method in interface org.avaje.metric.spi.PluginMetricManager
Return the ValueMetric using the metric name.